Literary Link Love

Tiger Beatdown: The Girl With The Lots of Creepy Disturbing Torture That Pissed Me Off: On Stieg Larsson

There are some problems with Dragon Tattoo, and let’s talk about the main one: There are a lot of dead ladies in this book. Literally: hundreds…But the bottom line is not so much that of a Reviewer, but that of a Lady: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo creeps me the fuck out. In my gut, right there, the place that is like GET ME OUT OF HERE AND FIX ME A DRINK AND START TELLING ME ABOUT UNICORNS AND KITTENS OR SOMETHING. The novel’s original title in Swedish was Men Who Hate Women; but reading the book, you start to get the feeling it’s not a polemic so much as a manual.

Womanist Musings: Writing Universal

When I think of writing a universal piece there are particular names and faces that are always invoked and lord knows none of the people mentioned look or really live anything like I do. They are not of color and as far as I know the names mentioned are rarely ever those of women. I have always found these universal characters to be rather one dimensional in the writing of their sexuality, age, socio-economic status, religious affiliation, body and critical thinking.

Roger Ebert: Traveler to the undiscovere’d country

I watched Christopher Hitchens’ CNN interview with Anderson Cooper with gathering sympathy. He had cancer. He was going to die. Apart from that, the treatment seemed about to kill him, and he was feeling very unwell. This man who often had a cigarette or a drink close at hand sat with the quiet of a man drained of energy, and reached out a hand to take a sip of water.

The Guardian: The chick-lit debate: who in Playboy Mansion Hell calls women chicks?

In the funny-peculiar world of humorous literature, a female name is like an affliction. It repels potential readers looking for the “seriously funny” (apparently women do not write funny books) and encourages reviewers and booksellers to reach for a red marker and tag the work with the toe-curling label of “chick-lit”.

Broadside: Eat, Pray, Love: Why A Woman Seeking Solo Joy Pisses Everyone Off

Women who flee the usual yoke — work, children, parental responsibilities, cooking, shopping, cleaning — are an easy target. Other women, especially, huff with indignation. How dare she! … I loved The Motorcycle Diaries and Easy Rider, two terrific films about two men exploring the world on their motorbikes.

Guys are allowed this freedom. We expect it of them.

Look at Thelma and Louise, a raucous road movie  — until the women have to drive off a cliff to atone for all that independent fun.

Bibliobitch: Shock me shock me shock me with that deviant behavior: Why Roxana Shirazi’s The Last Living Slut is more boring than balls-out.

White Readers Meet Black Authors: Books about Hurricane Katrina

Ms.: On the Anniversary of “To Kill a Mockingbird”: Going Beyond a “Conversation on Race”

Salon: Why do novelists hate being interviewed?

Bookavore: E-books article drinking game

Equality 101: Tough Choices: When Does a Piece of Literature Become Irrelevant?

Paste Magazine: A Dozen of Literature’s Greatest Jerks

Pinched Nerves: Gay teen blogger/book reviewer takes librarians to task over LGBT lit

this – a literary webzine: Dog Days of Summer

Audiostraddle: Feminism 101: Read Books, Become a Better Womyn

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